Solidaritaet mit den Besetzer*innen und Bewohner*innen der Sigwartstrasse

Die Siggi11, das Haus in der Sigwartstrasse 11 in Tuebingen, ist seit gestern – Sonntag, den 29.09.2024 – in den oberen Stockwerken besetzt. Im unteren Stockwerk wohnen weiterhin Bewohner*innen, die rechtlich um ihren Wohnraum kaempfen und sich gegen die ausgelaufenen befristeten  Mietvertraege wehren werden.

Wir, die Bewohner*innen der Schellingstrasse 6, 6/2 und 6/3, erklaeren uns solidarisch mit allen, die in der Siggi11 fuer bezahlbaren Wohnraum kaempfen – ob mit rechtlichen Mitteln oder durch die Besetzung. 

In ihrem Einsatz für den Erhalt und die Instandhaltung der Siggi11 kämpft die Gruppe aktiv gegen Leerstand und für bezahlbaren Wohnraum. Das ist auch unser Kampf. Wir unterstuetzen ihn und fuehlen uns solidarisch verbunden.

We stand with u in solidarity!
Die Haeuser, denen die drin wohnen !

Wir teilen hier die neuste Mitteilung der Gruppe in der Siggi11 bez. des Besetzungsbeginns am 29.09.2024:

The upper two floors of our house have been squatted today. We as a project group Siggi11 stand in solidarity with the squatting as they are acting out of the same motives as we do: to fight against vacancies and for affordable housing and for the preservation of our house. As project group we will continue legal actions to stay where we are, but we will also continue to fight for a revival of legal living spaces in the rest of the house. Until then, we stand by our core message: Houses to those who live in them!

@siggi_11_tuebingen on instagram

Die offizielle Pressemitteilung und die Forderungen der Gruppe in der Siggi11 finden sich auf ihrer Homepage:

Solidarity with the squatters and residents of Sigwartstrasse 11 in Tuebingen.

Siggi11, the house at Sigwartstrasse 11 in Tuebingen, has been occupied on the upper floors since yesterday, Sunday 2024/09/29. And, residents will continue to live on the lower floor and will defend themselves against the expired temporarily-termed rental contracts by means of judical steps.

We, the residents of Schellingstrasse 6, 6/2 and 6/3 stand in solidarity with all those who are fighting for affordable housing in Siggi11 – whether by legal means or through squatting. 

In their commitment to the preservation and maintenance of Siggi11, the squatters and the residents are actively fighting against vacancies and in favour of affordable housing. This is our struggle too. We support them and feel a sense of solidarity

We stand with u in solidarity!
Houses to those who live in them!

We share the latest announcement of the group in Siggi11 regarding the start of the occupation of 2024/09/29 here:

The upper two floors of our house have been squatted today. We as a project group Siggi11 stand in solidarity with the squatting as they are acting out of the same motives as we do: to fight against vacancies and for affordable housing and for the preservation of our house. As project group we will continue legal actions to stay where we are, but we will also continue to fight for a revival of legal living spaces in the rest of the house. Until then, we stand by our core message: Houses to those who live in them!

@siggi_11_tuebingen on instagram

The official press release and the demands of the group have been shared on their website: